Make a Donation to Rainbow Railroad

Make a Donation to Rainbow Railroad

from CA$25.00

Around the world, 70 countries have anti-homosexuality laws, and many more have other laws that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. In 11 countries, same-sex intimacy can be punishable by death. In too many countries, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people are routinely arrested, denied basic human rights, and are being brutally attacked, tortured or even murdered.


In the spirit of the Underground Railroad, Rainbow Railroad’s mission is to help persecuted LGBTQI individuals get to safety as they seek a safe haven from state-enabled harassment and violence. Rainbow Railroad was founded in 2006 to provide an additional solution to address the global refuge crisis, to which LGBTQI persons are uniquely vulnerable. Rainbow Railroad provides support to LGBTQI individuals seeking safety with airfare and financial support that facilitates departure, travel, arrival and referral for settlement. Beyond direct financial assistance, Rainbow Railroad provides information, resources and advice for asylum claimants. Rainbow Railroad is a registered Canadian charity.


Thanks to a growing community of supporters, Rainbow Railroad has helped more than 800 individuals escape to safety and freedom since 2006—in 2019 alone, 204 LGBTQI people were moved to safety. However, we have received 2,900 requests for help from 90 countries around the world—more than doubling the requests received in 2018.

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